In this packet tracer activity we created a network with a server and a static ip addressing along with DHCP. We setup banners and configured the interfaces for all the routers, in addition we setup passwords, secret passwords, login passwords as well as telnet. The topology below shows a network one server, two routers, three switches and among them two are connected to three hosts. Straight through media is used except for the connection between two switches which is crossover as well as the utilization of serial dte for the connection between the two routers.
This is a preview of the network topology the IP addressing scheme is and the subnet mask is
These are the physical ports for the routers. As you see a WIC 2T port is used for one serial port of the Router for both routers.
This is a preview of the banner for the Routers, as you see it prompts you to enter your password to enable further access. The banner serves as a message of the day and is open upon desired entry into the routers configuration.